Tajni znaci

Na fasadi hemijskog instituta Tehnickog univerziteta u Braujnsvajgu u Nemackoj nalazi se ovaj neobicni trodimenzionalni skup slova i simbola.

Autor fotografije, Florian Hardwig, pise da su ovde predstavljeni (al)hemijski simboli pet metala: zlata, gvozdja, bakra, olova i srebra, iz cetiri razlicita vremenska perioda, 15, 16, 18 i 19. veka.

On jos kaze:

Seven metals were assigned to celestial bodies, colors, parts of the human body, and days of the week:

Gold → Sun ☉ → golden yellow → left hand → Sunday
Silver → Moon ☽ → blue → left foot → Monday
Iron → Mars ♂ → red → right hand → Tuesday
Quicksilver → Mercury ☿ → white → head → Wednesday
Tin → Jupiter ♃ → grey → side → Thursday
Copper → Venus ♀ → green → corpus → Friday
Lead → Saturn ♄ → black → right foot → Saturday

Unicode has a block dedicated to alchemical symbols, but the support for those is poor. The symbols included above can be found in the Miscellaneous Symbols Block and have various alternative meanings:

U+2609 SUN ☉ (and U+263C WHITE SUN WITH RAYS ☼)
U+2642 MALE SIGN ♂
U+2644 SATURN ♄

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